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As is the norm with brutal Death Metal, a track by track analysis just doesn’t do the album justice, but it is safe to say that fans of Hate Eternal, Decapitated and other bands of that variety will love what is on offer here. That may be groundbreaking stuff to the songwriter, but they must have forgotten that it’s Death Metal - I could only understand about three words in the whole album! That aside, nine songs are stylishly delivered in a thirty six minute package including a bonus track for us lucky Europeans, and with a great video track of ‘Violentada’ thrown in for good measure, this is a well-rounded little Death Metal gem. One part of the overview included with the CD raised a smile, because apparently ‘For the very first time ever, this album is entirely sung in English’. The ferocity of all the instruments is captured crisply, and the sound levels are balanced perfectly, building up an apocalyptic sound that defines ‘death metal’, although the bassist, Alvaro Alvarez (you just couldn’t make these names up) can be hard to hear at times, and probably could have done with a couple of sections of bass breakdowns, along the lines of Desecration, in order to stand out a little bit more. Rutan’s input is evident throughout ‘Total Death’ - whilst the band do not necessarily sound like Hate Eternal (a good thing obviously), the brutality is instantly recognisable (also a good thing). The album is produced by none other than the legendary Erik Rutan, famous for a fantastic, yet brief stint in Morbid Angel, and currently the singer and guitarist in the brutal Hate Eternal. dark legions archive

Total Death by Live 4 Metal (James Young) - Total Death’ is the fifth real album from Masacre (before the more pedantic of you ask, there is only one ‘s’ - they’re Columbian), amongst several other demos and mini albums recorded in the band’s seventeen year existence, and it is, by any Death Metal standards, a corker. Congratulations Alex (vocals), Jorge (guitars), Alvaro (bass) and Victor (drums) for the killer album. These older tracks are an opportunity to show all their experience and competence while composing metal along these 17 years. It's a video clip of the song "Violentada", out of their previous album, "Muerte Verdadera Muerte". And at last, but not least, we can find another bonus. Other fact about this release is it got a bonus track, "Conflicts for Peace", taken out of their debut album, "Requiem", and re-recorded with lyrics in English. The guitar comes with nice solos, and Jorge Londoño puts much melody to it and would rather to play in slower parts - the result is really interesting. Indeed, I think they have a little influence of Cannibal Corpse in some riffing and a few slow beat passages remind me of Six Feet Under's first album. Are them trying to hit the European and North American market or what? Anyway, the music is very strong and they do a nice mixing among some apocalyptic and banging traditional parts. Also, this album is being released in Europe. That's an interesting fact that everything they released before "Total Death" was sung in Spanish, and this is the first album all done in English. dark legions archive full#

Now they're releasing their forth full length album. Total Death by Eye of Shiva - Have you heard of the Colombian Death Metal legend, Masacre? They're on the road since 1988 and have released many demos, compilations and a split.

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